This totally hit home for me

Deep gratitude to Rachel Macy Stafford of The Hands Free Revolution; this really speaks to me right now.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like to take baths and washing my hair by laying down in the tub offers instant serenity.
I’m not gonna wait ‘til I am sick to wash my hair in the tub again.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like apple juice. My older daughter remembered this fact from a surgery I had 7 summers ago. For a moment, old, damaging beliefs about juice being “bad” tried to interfere. But in the end, love won because juice has no moral value, and I trust my body knows what it needs.
I’m not gonna wait ‘til I am sick to drink apple juice again.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like shows that allow me to ‘pretend-buy’ a new house. I got REALLY invested in the show, Beachfront Bargain Hunt. I found myself tearing up during the “3 months later…” update as if it were MY family happily settled into their new home.
I’m not gonna wait ‘til I am sick to watch Beachfront Bargain Hunt to enjoy pretend-picking MY dream bungalow.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like my cat’s daily schedule. Noticing I was unusually inactive, Banjo coached me on the joys of not getting dressed, “exercising” by bird watching, and napping whenever the mood struck.
I’m not gonna wait ‘til I am sick to have a leisurely Cat Day again.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like being cared for, which means accepting help, receiving flowers for my bedside, and getting check ins from friends that say, “No need to respond. Just wanted you to feel my love.”

I’m not gonna wait ‘til I am sick to allow myself to be cared for again.

📍 When I was sick for 17 days in July…
I was reminded that I like not feeling guilty for honoring my need for rest and quiet. While focused on healing during that time, I found something valuable within.
I am not gonna wait until I am sick to turn off the world and tend to my needs.

My friends, what do you like—I mean REALLY like? Sometimes it takes forced rest to remember what comforts us most. But let’s not wait until our bodies give out to eat, play, hydrate, and rest as we like. We are worthy of having our needs met NOW.

© Rachel Macy Stafford 2022