The magic of this time of year

This is a rather magical time of year for me.

With Halloween still almost a month away it’s much too early to be thinking about Christmas…unless you’re a choir director.

And in that case, you’re probably already feeling just a little bit behind!

In fact, there’s very likely some inner pressure building inside you to get the program for your Christmas concert firmed up so you can distribute sheet music and practice parts to your singers.

Not to mention that plans for the Christmas Play will also be getting off the ground soon, and music for that will need organizing as well.

When I list it out like that it can seem almost anxiety-producing. But the fact is that — as I review songs, research videos, and listen to recordings; as I start singing the beautiful, joyful, heart-opening, and uplifting Christmas songs — I begin to feel that inner glow of Christmas already growing in my heart.

And suddenly the magic is full upon me.