Remembering the guru with love

Statue at Ananda Village of Yogananda blessing the world (photo by Bhaktan Klippstein)

“Remember this: When I am gone, only love can take my place. Be absorbed night and day in the love of God, and give that love to all.” — Paramhansa Yogananda

Reporting for duty

Lately I’ve been enjoying stopping by this statue of Master during my morning walks. It feels nice to “check in” with him before I go about my day.

But I felt a subtle shift around it this morning. Rather than a checking in, it felt more like I was reporting for duty. I even felt the urge to salute!

“Aye, aye, Master, SIR! Right away, Master, SIR!”

I feel like I’ve taken Sister Gyanamata’s quote about “Say yes and make it snappy!” to another level.

A special Guru Day

Thursdays are Guru Day and today’s was extra special! A beautiful statue of Yogananda took up residence on the ridge overlooking Ananda Village. From this vantage point he will bless the community, the region, and all the world.

Moving the statue into place…

Yogananda’s feet are firmly grounded at the Village…

Applying the finishing touches…

Jai Guru!