Yard sale time

We’re having our first Ananda Village yard sale since before the pandemic, and you can tell Village residents ( myself included) have been saving stuff up and are super happy to finally be able to let it all go!

The Village Office has already received so many items that they moved the donations cut-off from this coming Friday to today (Monday).

I managed to get my stuff down there just before the deadline, but then I couldn’t help browsing around to see if there was anything there that we “needed”.

It’s a bit of a paradox really. We go through our closets and drawers to find things to get rid of, but then we turn around and bring more stuff back home with us! As I said to my friend, Patricia, it’s like we get to practice non-attachment by giving stuff away, but then we practice — I’m not sure what; maybe expansion?!? — by collecting more.

The good news is that I took down two bags of clothes; a projector and screen; a rug; and three boxes of miscellaneous items, but I left with only one bag of goodies.

So, I didn’t do too bad.