Writing short fiction

Hopefully I can make my “fiction” somewhat believable, since my life is all about to-do lists from now until we leave early Monday morning!

Time marches on

There are so many things I’ve been meaning to write about — topics, experiences, events, memories — but I can never seem to get to them.

It’s sort of like I’m walking along and see something interesting along the way. But I’m already carrying quite a few things, so I place it by the side of the path with the intention to come right back and pick it up again. But it turns out that the path is really a moving walkway like in the airport, and I can never get turned around to go back to that interesting thing.

(Hmmm, sort of has the makings of an anxiety dream!)

At any rate, it’s not the perfect analogy. The feeling I’m trying to convey is the sense of time marching on…and on…and on… And somehow I can never go back and complete all the little projects that I intended or promised or started to do.

It’s rather sobering when I think about it.

Gone readin’

This is my version of gone fishin’ — meaning that I consciously opted to sit and finish a less than worthy novel rather than write a thoughtful blog post.

It doesn’t happen often, but today was a “don’t really feel like writing” kind of day.

Oh well.

It’s show time!

(No, not that kind of show!) 😂

To cut to the chase, I am sooooo not feeling it tonight!

I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to shift to writing my blog post earlier in the day; maybe this is “sign” that it’s time.

At any rate, ciao for now. I’m going to go watch a show. 📺

Good news, bad news

The good news is I’m enjoying the flow of writing this blog.

The bad news is…I’m enjoying the flow of writing this blog! The problem is I tend to write at night, which means I’m getting to bed later and later.

But the 50th anniversary officially kicks off tomorrow and if I begin the week already exhausted I’m going to be very sorry! Therefore…I’ll just say “good night”!