A wonderful concert

Tonight’s concert was wonderful on so many levels…which I hope to be able to actually communicate about tomorrow!

Right now, I’m ready to call it a day and go to bed.

Picking up the pace

Or maybe it would be more accurately described as scrambling to catch up — and then hopefully keep up — with a life flow that seems to get faster and faster!

What started as the usual full but fairly normal week has been gradually picking up speed with more and more wonderful, yet time sensitive and distinctly unusual activities.

We learned today that the music ministry is going to be featured in the next fundraising appeal (yay!), but need to get testimonials and photos to the development team by tomorrow (yikes!); we had a last minute photo shoot with the incomparable Barbara Bingham after tonight’s rehearsal; we meet tomorrow with the “big guns” about music department finances and budget; then there’s another Christmas play meeting; and to top it all off, we received a request (also rather last minute) to provide music for Jyotish and Devi’s “Touch of Peace” book launch on Saturday night.

We were also invited to lead a virtual satsang for an Ananda group in Singapore on Friday evening, but thank goodness we listened to our intuition and suggested they schedule us for another time. I’m pretty sure adding that into the mix would have tipped us over the edge!