Small consistent effort for the win!

This is something I’m trying to keep in mind on a daily basis. Like this morning, when I really, really didn’t feel like going for a walk.

Of course I fully understand that I’m — yet again — battling the good old “law of inertia.” That’s the law which basically states that an object will continue to be in the state of rest or in a state of motion unless an external force acts on it.

Having (for the usual excellent reasons — yes, I’m being sarcastic here) fallen away from my walking routine, I have in fact become a body at rest. And it’s taking a lot of force in the form of will power to get me moving again.

So I love this reminder that even walking to the top of the driveway and back counts as a small effort. All I have to do is make it consistent and I, too, will be able to claim the win!

Feeling proud of myself

In the past 28 days, I accomplished the following:

  1. Got to bed before midnight almost every single night — often even before 11:00! The latest I was up was 12:30, and that only happened once or twice. This is like a MIRACLE to me!
  2. Got 7-8 (or more) hours sleep every single night.
  3. Cut out all sugar and starchy carbs. Period. And I finally understand that I didn’t have a sugar addiction; it was the carbs, baby! Once I stopped eating them, no problem with cravings at all.
  4. Walked for thirty minutes 24 out of the 28 days.
  5. Saw my blood pressure readings go down into the normal or optimal range almost every day.
  6. Fasted one day each week.
  7. Best of all, I felt a renewed strengthening of my will power!

And, yes, I did drop some weight — which is a big part of what the program I’m doing is about — but that seems almost incidental to all these other benefits (aka NSV’s or Non Scale Victories).

So, yes, I’m feeling pretty darn proud of myself! We’re on a break now but I’ll start another 28 day challenge in April. It’s working for me!

Reawakening will

I had one of those “moments” not too long ago. You know the ones. Where you suddenly see that you absolutely must make some radical changes and — miraculously — things fall into place to help you do it!

So I’m halfway through the “challenge” that I accepted as part of making these changes and I’m staying the course. Not only can I see and feel my health improving, but even more importantly, I can feel my will reawakening. Which is huge.

I don’t know exactly how I came lose touch with so much of my will power over the past ten or fifteen years, but it feels really good to be getting it back.