A joyful ovation

This isn’t the greatest pic (although I’m grateful to our friend, Neha, for capturing a few shots on my cell phone), but hopefully it conveys some portion of the joy that filled the room at the end of our concert tonight.

Hats off to choir, ensemble, accompanists, and tech crew for a job (extremely) well done!

Note to self: well done!

Yep, my second 28-day challenge comes to a close tomorrow. I was feeling a little down about it, because I wasn’t as consistent with my walking as during the last challenge.

But then I had to give myself a mental shake and a reality check. I mean, for another 28 days I didn’t eat any sugar or starchy carbs. Period. And with no struggle. Which means it really is on the way to becoming automatic.

Now that’s progress!

I also upped the ante this time around, by committing inwardly to meet my personal meditation goal every day of the challenge. Which I did.

And that’s huge.

So, yeah. I decided that I actually feel pretty darn good. Yay, me!