So much to be grateful for

Sure, there’s still no power, which is inconvenient.

True, we ran into issues changing phone providers, which was annoying.

Yes, it been raining a lot, which can feel a little oppressive.

But on the other hand…

Our heat is propane, so we’re nice and warm. We’ve got a small generator, so fridge and wifi work. We live in spiritual community, surrounded by friends. We love our work, which we get to do together.

And even more basic…

We have a roof over our heads, our roads aren’t flooded, we have plenty to eat, and no fear for our personal safety.

I mean, really…! I am extremely blessed, and I know it.

Lift Every Voice and Sing (part 2)

I loved that wonderful instrumental version of “Lift Every Heart…” [from yesterday’s post], but I still had a hankering to hear it sung. And that’s how I stumbled on this video from 1985.

Al Green and Deniece Williams sang solos; Patti Austin, Roberta Flack, Melba Moore, and Deborah McDuffie were the back up singers; and my uncle-by-marriage, jazz trumpeter Jon Faddis, is one of the studio musicians!

There are a few things that really touched me about this video. One is the warmth, joy, and sheer vitality radiating out from these top-notch singers and musicians. These are people doing what they loved and living life to the full.

I was also struck by how the two different versions of this song spanned the whole of my musical life. From my days as a jazz musician and numerous recording sessions, to my years as a classical musician playing as much chamber music as orchestra jobs.

I feel fortunate to have benefited from such a wide range of musical experiences and from playing with so many wonderful musicians over the years.

The magic of autumn light

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
–Albert Camus

It’s been quite a while since we had rain, and it feels like we’re getting to admire the autumn foliage for much longer than usual. Now, I’m no scientist or botanist, and I know next to nothing about photosynthesis or chlorophyll. Which means I get to make up my own story about fall foliage and what it means (to me, at least). 🙂

It seems to me that the leaves absorb light throughout the spring and summer, then start losing it as they gradually diminish in the early fall and begin changing colors. But as the season continues, with the days growing shorter and winter drawing near, it’s as if nature gives us one last show…a final display of vibrant light and a sense of warmth. I’m sure you’ve experienced it: when you’re walking or driving along and you suddenly see a burst of light through the trees…and you realize it’s the fall foliage, glowing as if lit from within.

Sometimes I have to just stop and marvel at the incredible light emanating from the trees here at Ananda Village. They are so very, very beautiful! And I like the idea of each leaf going out in a burst of glory, as the spirit of the tree quietly turns within and prepares to enter the stillness of winter.