A global “Channels”

I hadn’t seen our virtual choir recording of “Channels” since it launched during last week’s Spiritual Renewal Week concert; I loved it even more as I listened to it for the second (and third and fourth) time.

This time around we had singers from Oregon, Washington, California, Texas, Mexico, Italy, India, and New Zealand! I love our virtual choir. πŸ’–

Mother, we thank you!

Today we recorded backing tracks for our next Ananda Worldwide Virtual Choir project. We’re stepping it up a notch and doing the wonderful song, “Channels.”

“Channels” is more challenging than our previous virtual choir songs; mainly because there are six parts (representing the nature channels of birds, trees, stars, flowers, mountains, and rivers).

Even though doing backing tracks is always more work than I expect, I end up feeling grateful for the way it “forces” me to go deeper into the words and consciousness of the song and, in this instance, reflecting more profoundly on all that Divine Mother is constantly giving us.

I especially love the chorus:
“Mother, we thank You, Your joy shines in ev’rything!
Open these channels that the world once more may sing.”

I wonder…? What if I made a point of singing this to Divine Mother every single day?!?

It’s virtual choir time!

Which means lots of emails, lots of downloads, lots of converting video to audio, and lots and lots of helping people navigate technology. Which is interesting for a not particularly technical person like me!

But it’s all for the best of causes — joining together in song despite being separated by time and space, this time in honor of Swami Kriyananda’s birthday. Yay! 😊

The Christmas Mystery

Thrilled to finally be able to share the Ananda Worldwide Virtual Choir version of this beautiful, beautiful song by Swami Kriyananda! It was part of our Christmas concert, but is totally worth sharing on its own as well.

I remember how puzzled I was when I first heard this song, because it seemed to be a “classic” traditional carol and I couldn’t understand how I had never heard it before!

Ever more global

Tomorrow’s the cut-off for participating in our next worldwide virtual choir, so the videos are really starting to pour in.

What’s particularly thrilling to me is the increased participation of devotee singers from more and more locations around the globe every time we do this.

I don’t see how this could ever become “old hat” to me. 🌏

Time to knuckle down….

.and get it done!

(Also known as gearing up for our next virtual choir extravaganza.)

The countdown to the Christmas concert is well underway and the pressure is on!πŸŽ…

Seemed like a good idea at the time

“Sure, we can do a virtual choir for a hybrid in-person / live-streamed wedding!” (It’s “only” six songs.)

(What was I thinking?!? 6 songs x 16 singers = 96 video and audio tracks to edit!)

And so we find that we have — yet again — bitten off way more than we can chew, but our bridal couple is depending on us, so we’re just chewing away like mad and having faith that it will all come together in the end (probably at the absolute last minute, in the nick of time)!πŸ˜‚

Where there’s a will…

The lack of regular choir is really starting to weigh on me.

The virtual choir experience has very real benefits and definitely can convey a certain power. And we’ve been able to add back live music in the form of small groups for Sunday service. But the vast majority of our choir members are left out in the proverbial cold. Mainly because there’s nothing we can do right now that really involves the entire group in one activity.

Take the virtual choirs we’ve done. Because of the technology aspect, we’ve never had more than twenty out of more than fifty choir members participate. Same thing with Zoom choir rehearsals. And given that we don’t yet have permission to meet as a choir even outdoors…! Well, the hole that not having choir leaves in the fabric of our community is beginning to feel awfully big, and getting bigger.

So now you can understand why I’ve got “where there’s a will, there’s a way” on my mind. Because there has simply got to be a way to connect and interact and share and be together AS A CHOIR even while being safe and staying healthy! We just have to find it. πŸ€”

A different kind of real

Today I continued broadening my understanding of just what’s possible musically in this time of pandemic. I was particularly inspired to find videos by public school music teachers, sharing how they’re working with their students; they’re doing impressive things!

But I also found some videos and comments that were quite negative in their attitude toward “virtual choir” videos in general. On the one hand, I “get it” that the average person has absolutely no idea what goes into “virtual choir” videos. No, it isn’t a bunch of singers meeting on Zoom and simply singing together! No, it’s not happening “live”, in real time.

It’s labor-intensive and time consuming. And, no, it’s not remotely the same as singing together in the same room, feeling our connection in the present moment!

But I think a lot of these critical-minded singers and choir directors are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Because, you know what? There’s still a power that happens when you get a group of people singing together. Despite being separated by time and distance there’s a magic that can still happen.

No, it’s not the same as the in-person performing we love and are used to, but it’s real and valid and legitimate. And I’m so grateful for having the possibility to still join together in this way.

My sister shared this video with me today and I was struck by the perfect timing! Because I can feel the connection and power that these singers are conveying through this song. It comes through loud and clear, regardless of being “virtual” and “produced.” I hope you feel as blessed by it as I did.

The Blessing
The Lord bless you and keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you
And give you peace

A – men
Amen, Amen
A – men
Amen, Amen

May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children and their children

May His presence go before you
And behind you and beside you
All around you and within you
He is with you he is with you
In the morning in the evening
In your coming and your going
In your weeping and rejoicing
He is for you He is for you

He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you
He is for you He is for you

A – men
Amen, Amen
A – men
Amen, Amen