Being the music

As part of her comments during this afternoon’s Gratitude Tea, Devi expressed her appreciation for the Joy Singers (who sang at the beginning of the event) by observing that we “are the music.”

I’ve been reflecting on that and, while I believe it is true, I think it doesn’t go far enough. In truth, we all “are — or can be — the music.”

All of creation is vibration. Therefore, everything in creation vibrates — including every single one of us — just not all at the same frequency.

We are blessed at Ananda to have a wealth of music that vibrates at an extremely high frequency. Members of Ananda have been singing and attuning to this high frequency music for over fifty years, which allows us to vibrate at that same high frequency in everything we do and wherever we are in the world.

When people (delivery or repair persons, etc.) visit an Ananda community, they often ask “what is this place?” They can feel the deep harmony that comes as a result of that consistently high vibrational frequency.

It’s subtle stuff that I struggle to put into words. But I’ve personally experienced the reality of this so many times that I know the truth of it in every fiber of my being.

Final thoughts on the making of music

Upon further reflection, it seems like a “which came first, the chicken or the egg” kind of puzzle.

In other words, is my visceral awareness of musical connection the result of my decades of performing experience? Or was I drawn to making music because I already had an innate ability to connect musically?

All I know is that when I’m connecting musically, I feel the flow as something very real, which literally feeds and nourishes me. I feel a sense of unity with my fellow musicians and… well, I just absolutely love it!

But when I’m part of a group where the energetic or vibrational exchange is lacking, I feel stymied and deeply frustrated. Of course, this is major spiritual growth time, as I learn to accept that not everyone has the same dharma or desire or commitment to making music.