Not my imagination

Yesterday was a good example of why I find astrology helpful.

It’s not about having someone tell me what I should do or what’s going to happen. Not at all!

In fact, my favorite memories related to astrology were times when I was intensely feeling or experiencing something and the astrologer’s advice helped me understand — after the fact — why I had been feeling or experiencing what I did. Which was very validating.

So, after sharing my “irritated for no particular reason” experience this past Monday, I decided to follow up on a friend’s suggestion and explore what was happening astrologically.

Sure enough, I learned that for most of this month, Mercury (the planet that rules my sun sign) has been having a challenging transit in the sign of Scorpio. And, as I already have a lot going on in Scorpio, it’s no surprise at all that I’ve been feeling unsettled and overwhelmed and (yes) irritable.

Knowing all this doesn’t magically make the challenging feelings go away, but it does make it feel a lot less personal. Which is a big help.

From cheesy to validating

I got a kick out the above meme (it’s been a long day!) and noticed the attribution to “Bass Players United”. I was curious about what that group was, so googled it and found them on Facebook.

I guess having been married to a bass player for seven years left me with a certain affinity for the bass and people who play it!

Anyways, there were some interesting things and then I found this!

The comments in response to this meme were priceless, and so right in line with my last few blog posts that I had to share a few.

One guy said the following:

I absolutely loved people’s responses!

Feeling kind of validated, but I do believe I’m completely done with this topic!