Feeling unsettled

This is my current inner mood, but I know it’s mostly the result of day after day of events, all following on the heels of an intense holiday season, with the complication of preparing for surgery added into the mix.

And, as usual, lack of sleep makes everything seem harder. Tonight’s my chance to do a little catching up.

Good night.

Eclipse energy

I just discovered the other day that today is a solar eclipse.

I’m not sure why some eclipses are a big deal while others seem to pass almost entirely unnoticed, but whatever…

The fact is that I’ve been feeling the unsettled energy of this approaching eclipse: out-of-sorts, irritable, and struggling to stay focused.

Not that other life challenges don’t play a part in the overall picture, but it really has felt significantly more difficult these past few days. I’ll be curious to see if all goes back to normal starting tomorrow.

Feeling unsettled

Not sure why.

Maybe it’s because I’m experiencing movement and developments in so many areas of life right now.

I’m pretty sure it’s all good; just a little disconcerting.