A real San Francisco treat

After waxing so nostalgic about San Francisco the past couple of days, it’s not so surprising that — after grabbing the frozen blueberries I was in Master’s Market to buy — I made a beeline for an IT’S-IT ice cream sandwich.

My first IT’S-IT experience was probably during an elementary school field trip to San Francisco, now lost in the dim recesses of my memory. But I certainly remember eating them at regular intervals when I lived in the City as an adult, and they continue to mean “SF” to me.

When I decide to write about something in my blog, I often end up learning way more about it than I would have believed possible. Today was no different, so here’s a great article about the history behind the treat.

Nourishing cleanse day #5

Now that it’s mid-November, I’m feeling the reality of short days and chilly weather.

Which is why there’s something incredibly delicious about finding a semi-sheltered spot on a sunny day and really soaking up some rays.

I indulged in this treat two times today, feeling pretty much like a cat enjoying its patch of sun.

Treating myself

I know, I know… given the serious issues we’re all facing it seems rather silly and superficial, but…today I was able to enjoy my first pedicure in four months (thank you, Jivani)! It felt sooooooo good, and I can’t help but smile every time I glance down at my toes. 😊

There’s something about having one’s feet soaked, exfoliated, scrubbed, and massaged, and one’s toenails trimmed and painted, that feels so very civilized.