Day 1 accomplished

Well, the actual injection (which I received in the “Infusion Center”) was pretty much a piece of cake. It barely stung for a moment going in and there’s no residual pain in my arm at all.

The hardest thing was that the appointment was at 8:00am, which meant leaving our house at 7:15 (or close to that, anyway!).

After registering downstairs, doing paperwork in the Infusion Center, waiting for the dosage to be mixed and delivered, learning about how it all works, receiving the injections, and — finally — waiting fifteen minutes to make sure I didn’t have any adverse reactions, I was definitely tired. But I’m not sure how much of that was the medicine and how much lack of sleep!

We also picked up my oral prescriptions, over-the-counter meds, and arranged for a “specialty” prescription that has to be delivered by mail. Quite a process!

I also managed to finally get ALL my appointments entered into a shared Google calendar so me and my two main helper-angels can see what’s coming up. And I think that’s quite enough for one day.

Good night!

What I did today

Yesterday we moved much of the music office. We mostly focused on desks and making sure computers were set up and working, but other furniture and boxes had to be moved as well.

Of course, there was the usual messy debris left over, plus one last pile of items to be sorted (home, office, trash).

Which is what I did today! Now the old music office is looking quite empty (except for a few odd bits of furniture awaiting a new home) and really clean, while I’m feeling very tired!

Too hot to think

Engaging my brain has been a challenge this entire day. It truly has been too hot to think, although it didn’t help that I was already tired because yesterday was so full and intense.

Instead it was a day for accomplishing small things that didn’t take much energy.

Weighty thoughts? No way!


Much of today involved dealing with stuff (especially papers), arguably my least favorite pastime.

Now I’m feeling tired and a little cranky, so I think I’ll keep this short in favor of doing my utmost to get to bed early (the good news is I’ve actually been making positive progress in this direction).

Answering the “tired” question

Yikes! Why am I so tired?!?

Well, it’s true that the weekend wasn’t exactly restful. It’s also true that — true to form — the more overwhelmed I feel, the more energy it takes to get anything done at all. Plus the resulting unsettledness contributes — yet again — to staying up later and later into the wee hours.

The good news is that I was finally able to get my eyes examined and new glasses ordered. I was already at least a year overdue for it when the pandemic hit, forcing me to wait even longer. Definitely feeling relieved to have a clean bill of eye health and to be replacing glasses that were starting — literally! — to fall apart.

On the other hand, nowadays a trip to town is exhausting in and of itself.

Okay! Well, I guess that pretty much answers my opening question.

You know you’re tired when…

I think this was my craziest “you know you’re tired” moment yet!

I was seeking an inspiration of something to write about; head down, eyes closed, concentrating… until my glasses started to slide off my face, jerking me awake as I almost knocked my computer keyboard onto the floor!

Okay, okay! I admit it: I’m tired and I need to go to bed.