Reconnecting with the flute

I don’t want to celebrate too soon, but I think something might have shifted between me and the flute.

It’s not just that I’ve practiced three days in a row. It’s that it felt like real practicing — exceedingly brief, yes, but real.

On the second day I even did slow scales in all twelve major keys, through the entire range of the instrument. (I think I hadn’t played a high C in fifteen years!)

I’ve also felt like doing it, which at this point in my life is strange and unusual behavior. 😄

Lists…lots of lists

Yep, as of tomorrow we’ve only three days left before getting on a plane to fly back to the States.

That means it’s time for lists…many lists!

Lists of borrowed items to be returned; final purchases to be made; items to give away; things to remember at the last minute; decisions about what goes in which suitcase; comfort items for the flight; and so it goes.

We’ve been gone so long that I can barely remember how I packed originally, so it feels like being back to square one.

Feels like forever

We’ve been in Sacramento since Wednesday — not quite three days — but it feels like forever.

One of our Village friends stopped by after a trip to the airport and I found myself wanting to ask him all the latest news. But how much news could there be in less than three days?!?

Pretty funny.