Ready to be done

We spent the morning with our recording tech guys, mixing and mastering the two songs that we’ll be sharing as singles from our soon-to-be-launched Christmas album.

Then I tackled some fairly hefty tasks this afternoon.

And now I really don’t feel like typing another sentence. Yep, I’m truly done for the day!

Task lists & Mind Maps

First of all, I managed to transfer a lot of reminders into an online task list (it feels so great throwing away the little slips of paper!).

Then I researched and selected some possible Mind Map-type templates for capturing and organizing the Big Ideas that have been floating around my brain. Those ideas often feel vague and overwhelming; my hope is to ground them by getting them written down.

I even uploaded a bunch of photos from Dad’s birthday party into the shared photo album!

All in all, I’m feeling cautiously hopeful that I’ve turned a corner…and have returned to a more productive frame of mind and energy flow.

Recovery time

Recovery: wishing I could have had another day of it.

Yesterday fit the recovery scenario: I slept late, took it easy, didn’t even leave the house all day.

Today was the exact opposite: the morning was spent on tasks at home; I ran seven(!) errands in the afternoon; then had soloist/instrumental rehearsal in the evening.

And the rest of the week just gets more intense with final preparations for Friday night’s Oratorio performance.

Jai Guru!

Grateful for enduring friendships

It’s been a full day with many tasks accomplished (emails, meetings, laundry, practicing, rehearsal), but I’m most pleased about the fact that I finally finished reading and responding to all my birthday greetings.

It’s so fun to tune in — however briefly — to friends from all the different eras of my life: high school buddies; classmates at university and conservatory; professional musician colleagues; fellow seekers from different spiritual congregations; and those I met while living in other countries.

It leaves me feeling more grateful than ever for the rich and varied life I’ve been blessed to lead.

Which way to go?

As usual, now that I’m past the big push of last week’s events, all the tasks that had been waiting for attention have started swirling around in my head.

So many issues to address; so many directions to go in — I hardly know where to begin!

Refusal to obey

For the past few days I’ve been majorly struggling to complete certain tasks.

They aren’t difficult tasks but they are fairly urgent. They’re already overdue and need to get done.

And yet I am encountering the most ferocious resistance to doing them!

Actually, “resistance” isn’t the best word to describe what I’m feeling. It would be more accurate to say that I’m experiencing a refusal to obey.

No matter how much I reason with myself or try to motivate myself or cajole myself or threaten myself, a part of me just says NO. And right now, that part of me winning.

So, I entertained myself by finding other words that describe this unfortunate state of affairs:

Maybe identifying it will sufficiently dissipate the blocking energy so I can actually get some work done. That’s my hope anyway.

A surprisingly productive day

I didn’t sleep quite as much as I would have liked, due to needing to do lots of prep for today.

However, I still managed to attend an early morning Zoom meeting, then head straight into presenting our monthly music satsang for the Ananda Virtual Community.

Afterward there were follow-up tasks for the satsang, after which time was spent unexpectedly connecting with other music team members.

Then I got in the flow of writing long overdue emails and next thing I know it’s the end of the day. Go figure!

So no, I didn’t cut firewood, but the photo reflects how I feel about my day. 💪

Slug day

Things are definitely speeding up.

More people to see; more projects to organize; more tasks to accomplish.

What a week!

So, tonight is about kicking back and taking it easy.

And tomorrow is going to be a designated “slug day” (that’s what I’m calling the days where I just do nothing and rest)!

What we have in common with the elves

Santa’s helpers make toys and the music ministry makes music, but both of our Christmas tasks are now DONE!

I imagine that the elves get to relax and kick back while Santa delivers gifts around the world, and tomorrow is our day to relax and kick back as well!

We are sooooo ready!

Coming into focus

I can feel things beginning to settle, at least a little bit.

I finally know who’s singing for the Christmas concert, for starters. We’ve actually had one rehearsal and the music binders are mostly complete.

Key tasks and important reminders are surfacing in my consciousness, helping me feel like “Oh yeah, I can do this!”

I just hope this flow continues and that the feeling lasts throughout the holiday season!