Beautiful surrender

Artwork by Mollycules for Buddha Doodles

These two things caught my attention today. The artwork above and the poem by Rumi, below.

Be crumbled,
So wildflowers will come up
Where you are.
You have been stony for too many years.
Try something different.

– Rumi

At first I thought I might have to choose between sharing one or the other; that they didn’t really relate.

But then I realized that the reclining monks beautifully embody the essence of being fully surrendered. And that the ability to embrace our beautiful self — just as we are — is the essence of the something different that we really need to do.

When surrender is the right choice

Twice in a row I had skipped my weekly fast day. A strong resistance had taken hold.

Thank goodness I’m beginning to know and accept myself a little better. After about a week of managing to (mostly) resist the resistance, I realized it was growing instead of diminishing.

So, I picked my day and decided to give in. Yep, I consciously surrendered and went “off program”.

And a couple of interesting things happened.

First, I was able to relax. It was a relief to stop pushing myself.

Then, after a couple of days, I started to notice ways in which I felt different. Small things, like getting a stuffed up nose. Feeling bloated. Still feeling hungry after having eaten. Having difficulty focusing. And I remembered that those things used to be my “normal”, but they aren’t so much any more.

Finally, I remembered that I have a follow-up doctor’s appointment scheduled for later this month — fasting labs, the whole nine yards — and I realized that no way was I going into that appointment while “off program”! Not after over six months of consistency and good results (even if I haven’t been perfect).

So, I picked my day once again — my weekly fast day — and declared myself back “on program”, with a vengeance!

But I needed that little surrender break. I needed the reminder of how much this program is changing me, and now I’m back to doing it because I want to, not because I feel I have to.