Current home-base

The courtyard of Villaggio Turistico Reka

At some point — hopefully in the not-too-far-distant future — I’ll share photos of the various events, places, and experiences that have filled the past three weeks or so.

In the meantime, this is our current home-away-from-home: Villaggio Turistico Reka in Sureggio (Lugano).

We don’t have amazing, expansive views like in Aldesago, but it’s much more conveniently located in relation to Ramesha’s father. And it’s still quite beautiful, just in a different way.

The view from our little patio (there’s a creek down there)
The view once we come up the stairs from our apartment
Our apartment is on the left at the bottom of these stairs
This charming house is adjacent to Villaggio Reka, but seems like a separate world

Farewell to Umbria; back home to Svizzera.

Divine Mother gifted us with a stunning sunset display in Umbria last night, complete with rainbow.

This morning’s weather continued dark and rainy, which was a match for my slightly sad feelings.

And now — after a long day of driving — we’re back in Switzerland, enjoying a different though still beautiful view from our latest Airbnb. Located in Sureggio, it’s close to Ramesha’s family home in Canobbio, which will be nice for the final two weeks of our visit.