This evening I took my first (very) short walk since getting home from the hospital and I was blessed with this sunset.
It was a very peaceful ending to an intense week.
(not necessarily in that order)
This evening I took my first (very) short walk since getting home from the hospital and I was blessed with this sunset.
It was a very peaceful ending to an intense week.
This is the time of year when we get amazing sunsets. Since I’m ready to spend this Sunday evening relaxing, I think I’ll just share this beautiful sunset from yesterday and call it a night.
There was a beautiful sunset as we headed home after tonight’s Indian banquet. A fitting conclusion, with the sun setting on what has been a glorious Spiritual Renewal Week.
Tomorrow is Sunday service and then the numerous guests head home and Village life returns to normal — though after so much inspiration I think it can’t help but be a higher level of normal!
Tonight’s sunset was beautiful pastels that made me think of Easter…and how it’s almost upon us.
Which is reflected in the increased flurry of activity as preparations for our Good Friday Oratorio performance kick into high gear.
I absolutely love living in the midst of a forest of magical, golden oak trees at this magical, golden time of year.
Of course, I’ve been admiring dramatic red, orange, and yellow foliage for weeks. But there’s something about the more subtle, muted gold of the oak trees that really does it for me.
Especially since there are so many of them here, so I end up feeling surrounded by golden magic.
At any rate, this was my view as I went to get into my car shortly before sunset this evening.
The sky was so amazing tonight!
On the way to choir rehearsal it took discipline not to pull over and simply enjoy it.
(Not to mention get more photos of it!)
Divine Mother gifted us with a stunning sunset display in Umbria last night, complete with rainbow.
This morning’s weather continued dark and rainy, which was a match for my slightly sad feelings.
And now — after a long day of driving — we’re back in Switzerland, enjoying a different though still beautiful view from our latest Airbnb. Located in Sureggio, it’s close to Ramesha’s family home in Canobbio, which will be nice for the final two weeks of our visit.
I’m very grateful to be able to enjoy our wonderful view once again; especially given tonight’s beautiful sunset.
Tonight’s sunset was a suitably glorious end to a rather long and taxing day.
A day for which — despite its challenges — I am extremely grateful.
…and a quietly beautiful end to a crazy week.
May your weekend be filled with peaceful repose and joyful fun. 🥰