Time? Space? Irrelevant!

A screenshot of Ramesha and Bhagavati singing “Shawl of Gold” in their living room. The video was recorded on March 28 for Sunday service in the Temple of Light on March 29!

Doesn’t it feel as though the entire world switched to online everything from one day to the next?!? As music ministers, we’ve been creatively expanding our knowledge base and skill set in order to maintain our voluntary self-isolation while still providing music for Sunday service at Ananda Village.

Of course, orchestras and choirs all over the world are extremely motivated to experiment along these exact same lines. As one person put it, we’re hardwired to perform, to make music together. Even when we can’t be together.

The end result is that we’re seeing the supposed barriers of time and space dissolving right before our eyes. We may be physically separated, playing or singing our part at different moments in time, but the power and magnetism of the music are still palpably present. Why? Because, in actuality, there is no time or space. We’re all one, right now.

Here at the Village we have a ways to go in terms of technology and resources. But here’s an example of the infinite possibilities…

Making music

Ramesha and I were on to do the music for this morning’s Sunday service. Nowadays it comes as almost a shock when we’re called on to perform just the two of us, since we spend most of our time either in front of our computers or rehearsing with the full choir.

But it’s nice to find that — when we do get to stop and just make music together — our unique musical attunement is still very much there. Not that I would have expected otherwise!


What a blessing it is that, no matter where we are in the world, as long as we have an internet connection we can watch our “home” (Ananda Village) Sunday service in real time.

I love being able to see how choir is going, and especially how some of the “newer” members are fast becoming “regulars”.

Ananta’s talk was deeply inspiring, as usual. I was particularly struck by the phrase: “Everything that we do can be an altar to the Divine.”

I’m always aware that Sunday service is being live broadcast, but being away for so long gives me an opportunity to really appreciate the difference it makes for those who don’t live in community.

The new normal

The cool thing about tomorrow’s Sunday service is….it’s just a regular Sunday service! Well, except that it’s in the Temple of Light. 😉

Last Sunday we ended the amazing 50th anniversary week with our first Sunday service in the new Temple. This Sunday is another first: our first plain old regular service there!

It’s going to take a little while to acclimate ourselves, but the fact is that our “new normal” just happens to include the Temple of Light.

How cool is that?!?