Seasonal changes

It’s subtle, but for about the past week I’ve been aware of that infinitesimal yet distinct shift that announces the imminent arrival of autumn.

It’s the slightly cooler air, the slightly shorter days, the slight difference in the angle and intensity of the sunshine.

And I find myself remembering the back-to-school excitement of elementary and junior high school. Those were the days when we got new school clothes — practical and warm outfits made of wool, which were brutal to wear when the usual California heatwave arrived in early to mid-September.

I loved school, so I was usually ready for summer to end. I loved the colors of the foliage and the windy days of fall.

I love all these things still, although nowadays I get anxious about increased wildfire risk when the fall weather gets windy.

Subtle but magical

I absolutely love living in the midst of a forest of magical, golden oak trees at this magical, golden time of year.

Of course, I’ve been admiring dramatic red, orange, and yellow foliage for weeks. But there’s something about the more subtle, muted gold of the oak trees that really does it for me.

Especially since there are so many of them here, so I end up feeling surrounded by golden magic.

At any rate, this was my view as I went to get into my car shortly before sunset this evening.
