Starting our staycation with a workday

Joyful devotees during the 2018 Rajarsi work day.

Yep, tomorrow we begin our staycation and, even though we’re “vacationing” here at home, we’re determined to use this time for some serious R & R.

Of course, Divine Mother being such a jokester, the first day of our time off is (you guessed it) a community work day!

And, yes, a snall part of me groaned when I realized it. Instead of sleeping in, I’ll be getting up earlier than what I’ve been managing to do lately (which isn’t saying much, actually!😏), then working at the Expanding Light for the entire morning.

Luckily, Ramesha and I are experienced enough devotees to not be tempted to stay home (well, at least not much). Why? Because we know that “service is joy” and also because we don’t want to repeat the past experience of having wimped out and stayed home, only to kick ourselves later as we look at the radiant faces of dear friends having fun and enjoying satsang while joyfully serving.

I mean, that’s the experience we’re here for! To expand beyond the sense of our little selves and know that we’re part of that “something more” which is all love and power and peace and bliss!

Which is why I can hardly wait! 😊

A dry spell

The well of inspiration seems to have run dry. Not sure why…except that both Ramesha and I are feeling way overdue for a break in the old routine. One more week to go and then we’re taking a “staycation”.

I’m sooooo ready…


I had hoped to catch up on a number of things today, but I guess my psyche really was on vacation because I wasn’t able to accomplish much of anything!

My challenge is to be okay with being non-productive.

This is what makes a “staycation” a little tricky; when we’re in our usual environment it’s hard not to fall into our usual behaviors and expectations. However, opportunities to really rest are also needed.


We thought we’d be in Half Moon Bay for a few days, but things changed and we only stayed one night. I’m proud of us for being willing and able to admit we had miscalculated and then make a new decision. No regrets!

So now we’re back home and ready to enjoy a couple of days of “staycation”.
