What I miss

When I lived in Italy and then Switzerland for four years, I could tell it was time for a visit stateside when I started craving Mexican food.

It was virtually impossible to get good Mexican food in Lugano. Likewise Chinese food; there were a few restaurants but they were ridiculously expensive and not nearly as good as what I was used to from twenty-plus years of living in San Francisco.

Well, I’m realizing a similar thing is happening due to this long stay in Sacramento: I woke up this morning to the realization that I haven’t seen a deer in over six weeks, which is unheard of for someone who lives at Ananda Village.

Here in Sacramento we see lots of squirrels and there are even a few wild turkeys in the neighborhood, but nary a deer or coyote or bear in sight.

Who knew that I would miss them?


Spent a fair amount of time today just sitting on the patio. Watching squirrels and lizards and birds and leaves blowing in the breeze.

And both Ramesha and I remarked on how we could feel ourselves slowing down. Literally downshifting.

Feels really good.