Progress and butterflies

We just finished our weekend of recording and I’m pleased to report that we’ve made a really good start on our Christmas album!

People have been asking us to do this for years, decades even. So, even though there’s still a lots and lots to do, it feels really good to finally be transforming the “idea” into “reality.”

PLUS…! Today was my first butterfly sighting of the year; two lovelies joyfully dancing around one another. Made my day.

I think Spring has most definitely “sprung!”

Enough already!

The photo above shows what it looked like when I left the office early this afternoon.

I felt like I could definitely relate to that poor blossoming tree. I mean, it’s supposed to be spring — right?!?

Right…but this is what our front yard looked like just a few hours later.

I think about people in Tahoe/Truckee (and elsewhere in the Sierra) and know I shouldn’t complain. But enough’s enough!

Spring arrives with a bang!

We had a rather dramatic first day of Spring here at Ananda Village, with an afternoon thunder and lightning storm that hit unbelievably close!

It arrived with a sudden BOOM that made us jump, then immediately shut down all our electronics. The one big clap of thunder was followed by a brief but intense hailstorm.

We learned later that some of our close neighbors ended up with fried light bulbs, as well as losing phone and/or internet service.

I arrived at the office a little later to be greeted by these cheery daffodils surrounded by hail. The perfect juxtiposition.

And the photo below (by Satyaki) shows the three pine trees that took the brunt of the lightning strike. Mamma mia.

Almost here

It’s getting late and I have an early doctor’s appointment in town tomorrow. So, I’m anticipating the vernal equinox with this photo of a blossoming plum tree.

Yes, spring really is almost here!

Hints of spring

On the heels of yesterday’s post about Imbolc and the first stirrings of spring…

…this is what I noticed when I left the house this morning. The very beginning of buds on the Daphne shrub that I planted last summer.

I can’t wait.

Blessed Imbolc

Imbolc is a festival in the Gaelic tradition which marks the very first stirrings of life that will become the spring, but before there’s really anything to see.

I was happy to learn of this ancient tradition in my women’s group many years ago, because it helped me understand the wonderful feeling when you see the very first swelling on the tip of a branch — it isn’t a bud yet, but you can tell one is coming.

It’s a lovely time of the year, giving you a sense of hope for warmer, lighter days to come, even though it’s still dark and cold and wet.

So, blessed Imbolc to everyone!

Guess where we’re going?!?

Yep, we’re finally going to visit family and friends in Switzerland this spring. It will have been almost four years since the last time we were in Lugano.

We can hardly wait!

Spring has sprung

And we spent part of the afternoon sitting on the Master’s Market lawn — enjoying the sunshine and blossoming trees; greeting friends as they walked by; and enjoying a muffin from Prita’s Cafe!

Spring is here and life is good. 😊