Giving it to Divine Mother

A dear friend shared about a HUGE “aha” moment this week. Her tasks seemed insuperable and she was feeling totally overwhelmed.

Then she remembered to give it to Divine Mother and….solutions happened (some of them downright miraculous)!

I’m so grateful for this reminder that God is the Doer and Divine Mother always has our back.

Well-informed vs sane

A Facebook friend asked the following question in a post on his timeline:
How are YOU maintaining a positive perspective?

This is how I responded:
Not easy, but these help: limiting my intake of news; listening to uplifting music; singing; walking; meditating.

Not even an hour later I happened across this cartoon, which absolutely nails it! This is exactly the challenge that I feel so many of us are facing.

But I’m realizing that I can’t simply ignore the news altogether. True, I need to stop reading it with the goal of “making sense” of things; I mean, that way lies madness!

So, yes, I have to do my best to sort through the false, sensationalist, crazy-making narratives. And then I have to choose carefully which articles to read, being prepared to stop as soon as I feel my energy plunge or if I start to get upset or depressed or sunk in negativity. Because I can’t be part of the solution if I’m upset, depressed, and negative!

But you know, I think the main reason why I still need to read some news is a matter of solidarity. I don’t want to cut myself off from what’s going on. Sure, I have to honor the limits of my tolerance for violence and despair, but I need to tune in enough to feel connected with the rest of humanity as we move through these unprecedented times…together.

Surmounting difficulties

“Surmounting difficulties” is definitely what Ramesha’s been doing these past few days. For weeks now he’s been working really hard as he gets ready to launch his new album; challenging himself to learn new skills, pushing himself to meet lofty goals.

And then… POW! Setback after setback and obstacle after obstacle; mostly having to do with the documentary he created (see the video).

It’s no wonder he was thrown for a loop; most of the issues seemed random and nonsensical. And after three solid weeks of putting his heart and soul into it, it’s not surprising that he was frustrated enough to be tempted to throw in the towel.

Luckily he hung in there until the storm passed and is now finding solutions to those (still) random and nonsensical issues. And in the meantime, people who view the documentary are expressing their appreciation for what he created and their eagerness to receive the CD.

The moral of the story?

Without tapasya there is no significant spiritual progress. 

Swami Nirmalananda Giri

Surmounting difficulty is the crucible that forms character.

Tony Robbins

In my estimation, Ramesha is making significant spiritual progress and forming lots and lots of character! 🥰