Mercury is about to go retrograde

This explains so much of what’s going on for me right now.

Complications galore in getting something forwarded on from the States. Not being able to send or receive normal texts (only WhatsApp and Messenger). Feeling kind of slow and heavy and like I don’t really want to go out much.

Mercury going retrograde brings the “re” words to the fore. Basically it’s a good time to re-treat, re-flect, re-new, re-lax, rest…to simply slow down.

Of course, that’s the exact opposite of the plan when we come to Lugano!

So, my goal (as a Mercury-ruled Gemini person) has to be to find a way to balance the need for friends and family social time with allowing time for myself — to be still and to simply BE.

Spinning top thoughts

There’s so much to do and to think about lately that I’m having difficulty getting my mind to stop spinning from one topic to another.

Which means that my difficulty itself becomes my topic!

Hopefully I’ll be more successful tomorrow at slowing down my spinning thoughts, so I can get focused and make headway on my to-do list.

…all fall down!

Well, looks like my wedding sari story will have to wait until tomorrow.

This afternoon I was running late for an appointment. I had stuck my feet in my sandals but didn’t actually pull them all the way on. Then I got distracted as I was rushing up to the Temple, my foot slipped or something, and…wham! down I went.

No serious damage done. A skinned knee that’s feeling rather bruised and sore, plus I wasn’t able to entirely avoid a bit of impact to The Shoulder.

Moral of the story? Allow more time. Put your shoes all the way on. And slow down, before Divine Mother makes you slow down.