Like you love yourself.

The big one for me right now…oh, who do I think I’m kidding? The big one for me right now and always is: “SLEEP like you love yourself.”

Which translates as: consistently going to bed early enough to get enough sleep that my body can heal and I can wake up nice and early without a lot of stress or strain.

Sounds like a fairy tale. I’m really starting to wonder If I’ll ever be able to make it happen.

Needed: a good night’s sleep!


Because Ramesha and I are recording tomorrow! Just one song, which will be released in time for the holidays, but still…it won’t do to start out already tired.

Wish us luck! 🎼

A double whammy

Had great difficulty sleeping last night (dinner didn’t completely agree with me). I even got up and read my book for a while — twice! — which is quite unusual for me.

And now, here I am, writing my blog post at almost 1:00 am, after participating in the Ananda America sessions of the Next Wave Online event. The session started at 8:30 pm and we didn’t sing until after 11:30 — not what we’re usually doing at that time of the night (although it was lots of fun and a great experience). 😂

So that’s the double whammy, which has left me double pooped.

More good news, bad news

The good news is that — thanks to a full dose of melatonin — I was in bed by midnight (literally couldn’t stay awake any longer)!

The bad news is that — thanks to that same full dose of melatonin, combined with a couple of weeks worth of sleep deprivation — I overslept this morning.

The take-away? This just might work if I can get myself to take the melatonin earlier in the evening, allowing for a decent night’s sleep. I’ve got to figure out something, because the lack of sleep is really starting to be an issue!

Sleepy time

This morning I participated in a special, all-community work day at Crystal Hermitage. Lots and lots was accomplished, but now all that fresh air and joyous activity is conspiring with a long week of late hours on the computer and making it impossible for me to keep my eyes open long enough to write much of anything.

As one of Swamiji’s songs says: “Sleep is calling…”