What we’ve been up to

This is what Ramesha and I have been working on for the last month or so! It’s been a blessing to dive deeper into singing together and creating something like this together. And now we’re feeling determined to get back to doing more of this together!

It’s also been fun for me to compare the way we’re going about it now, compared to the way we’ve put out other CD’s over the years. Ramesha has invested a lot of time and resources in learning how to better promote and market our music and boy is it making a difference!

For example, I’m accustomed to having one or two parts to sing or play on the recording and then I’m done; but for this there were also background vocals to record and other aspects of the arrangement/production on which Ramesha wanted input from me and Christian (our recording engineer).

Then there was a day dedicated to videotaping ourselves singing the song four times through (as a duet, each of us solo, and close-up on the guitar) so that Bhaktan would have all those different video angles of us to use for the lyric video (which you just saw above). Plus all three of us spent time searching for additional images that we felt conveyed the vibration of the song, so it was a collaboration in that way as well.

Ramesha has also kept busy creating artwork and landing pages, and writing emails to let friends and fans know about it, and a gazillion other details (bravo, Ramesha!) Finally, we videotaped a little mini-documentary, in which we shared thoughts about the song and the project (see below).


All in all, it’s been a eye-opening new experience for me and the feedback so far has been very positive. Of course, our hope is that many people will hear it and find comfort in the profound message of this song during these unsettled times. 🙏

My happy place

We were on for Sunday service music in the Temple of Light today after a long dry spell. If my memory serves, the last time I sang in the Temple was for a wedding at the end of August.

Here’s the thing…if I’m not regularly singing/playing for somebody I can forget just how important it is for me to do so. This morning was a wakeup call/reminder. It was like coming home to the essence of who I am.

Ramesha and I are working on ways to perform more and this definitely adds fuel to the fire of motivation. Because being in a musical flow really is my happy place.

More music, please

I have no idea who wrote this, but I completely concur. Except I would also add: SING more music!

Of course, singing is — in and of itself — an unprecedented challenge in this Age of Covid. But we’re working on it…and we will find a way.

The long haul

There’s no getting around it: we really are in this for the long haul! And I’m struggling to comprehend the full extent of how this will impact our music ministry.

I almost feel guilty typing these words, when there are people facing issues of life and death or utter poverty as a result of the pandemic.

But the fact is that music has been a key element of Ananda from the very start. Swami Kriyananda composed over 400 pieces of music which, over the fifty years of Ananda’s existence, became like the soundtrack of Ananda throughout the world.

Participating in choir; performing for Sunday service; offering our devotion through chanting; singing before meals and before meetings…our lives have been permeated with the music of Ananda.

So what happens when we can’t sing together?!? Well, we’re about to find out. 😕

Saturation point

We’re at the midpoint of Inner Renewal Week and I’m already feeling “full up”!

Filled to the brim morning after morning with wisdom and inspiration from Jyotish and Devi. Filled with soul joy from so much singing. Filled with gratitude for opportunities to connect with dear friends — old and new!

So tonight is the moment to take a breather. Aaahhhh… 😎

So. Much. Fun.

Can I just say how much fun we’re having in choir?

Today was one of those non-stop days, filled to the brim with tasks and challenges both expected and unexpected. It was all good but I felt like I hardly had a chance to catch my breath, arriving at rehearsal feeling rather frazzled and not especially prepared.

But it really didn’t matter. Because there we all were (close to fifty of us), joined together in fellowship and in the joy of singing our glorious music. Feeling our energy rising in response to the vibration of high consciousness.

So we sang and we laughed and we sang some more. And it was just so fun because there was so much JOY.

Don’t wait

How often we wait, hoping to feel happy enough to start singing…when it’s singing itself that will raise our energy and make us happy!