Silenced once again

Yep, in some ways we’re back to the beginning — no live singing or chanting, for Sunday service or anywhere else at Ananda Village, until January 5 at the earliest.

But in other ways, it’s not like the beginning at all. It’s way more frustrating because of all the time and energy and resources expended in between, for seemingly nothing.

Not to mention the sacrifices!

And yes, a part of me thinks I have some nerve whining about not being able to sing. I mean, I think about all those working on the front lines in hospitals and clinics — from doctors and nurses to food service workers and cleaning crews. I think about the people working in grocery stores and gas stations and pharmacies, so that we can be fed and supplied. And I am so, so grateful for them all.

So, yeah, in some ways we’re back to the beginning, but with a lot more understanding and compassion and — yes — patience.