A crack of dawn morning

An 8:30 a.m. medical appointment means leaving the house at 7:45. Which means getting up super early, at least for me.

That means keeping today’s blog short and sweet. Good night.

Time to relax

It’s been a big week and tomorrow’s our Christmas concert.

So, I’m going to keep this short and sweet, then go home and take it easy!

Short and sweet

There are three reasons for keeping tonight’s post short and sweet.

#1. The simple song I was originally inspired to share morphed into something quite a bit more and I don’t want to stay up late in order to do it justice.

#2. Part of the reason for this decision is that I was in bed with my light out by 12:30 last night (whoo hoo!) and I’m aiming for lights out by midnight tonight.

Ha! I just realized that #3 is deserving of its own separate post, so I’ll just leave it at that for now. Good night!