Appreciating the moment

My cozy recovery day didn’t quite do the trick. I ended up with my usual tight chest, minor head cold, and lingering cough (no COVID, thankfully).

It’s been hard to really lay low as we come down to the final week of our visit.

So, last night I had wheezing in my lungs that kept waking me up. After looking up what could help, I boiled water to breath some steam and also made a cup of ginger tea.

And this is what my tea bag had to say. It was the perfect reminder to be grateful, regardless of little setbacks along the way.

Slow and steady

Today was not about getting big things done.

It was hot and I was fasting. Not a great productivity combo for starters.

Then I encountered setbacks with a couple of government websites and decided I’d better wait until tomorrow to try again (normal blood sugar levels should help).

So I’m ending the day thinking about the tortoise, and how “slow and steady won the race!”