Sending love to Gardenia

From GoFundMe account: “Photo of Gardenia pre-accident and shining bright. Hold this image of her vibrant and healed.”

Talk about duality.

Yesterday I shared a photo of a beautiful little girl blissfully embracing Divine Mother in the form of a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Today a friend shared the GoFundMe link of a little girl who suffered serious burns after catching fire while standing too close to a propane heater.

I don’t know the little girl, Gardenia, or her family, although they live in our general area.

What I do know is how overwhelming it felt getting the cancer diagnosis and navigating all the details of treatment and finances, and becoming familiar with the realities of the medical system and its lingo.

And that was with me feeling well, Ramesha having flexibility in his schedule to accompany me to virtually every appointment, and the tremendous support of our worldwide community.

I cannot begin to imagine how this family is coping, with Gardenia undergoing constant surgeries and intense medical care, while they have two other small children to care for at home, and with all the driving back and forth they’ll have to do for months and years.

Not to mention the trauma this little girl has gone, and is going, through. It breaks my heart.

I realize there are so many people suffering in the world right now, but Gardenia has been brought to my attention and I feel compelled to do what I can to help. So, I’m sharing her story.

If you feel to donate, great. If you feel to share, perfect. If you feel to pray for Gardenia and her family, wonderful.

There’s even the option of checking out their Amazon Wishlist of various foods, medicines and other forms of nourishment and comfort.

Most important of all, let’s channel Divine Mother’s love to Gardenia.