Seclusion realities

In the lower gardens of Crystal Hermitage

Rest and sleep (lots of it).
Increased meditation (8 or 10 times more).
Silence. Stillness. Watching the sunrise.
Moving my body more (a lot more).
Beauty. And the time and space to appreciate it.

Random bright red berries that caught my eye

Seclusion rainbow-lights

Crystal Hermitage Chapel

I was blessed to wander into the Crystal Hermitage Chapel as the sun was shining through the stained glass windows.

I’m not sure if “rainbow-lights” is the right terminology, and my phone camera doesn’t quite do it justice, but they were all over the walls and floor.


Seclusion view

Taken while reclining on the couch

First step of seclusion for me is simply slowing down…WAY down!

I feel totally unproductive and have to remind myself that’s OKAY.

Otherwise, I’ll be “in seclusion” but with my same old always-busy, never-getting-enough-done, can’t-ever-measure-up, I’m-not-worthy mindset!

Nope, no way. Not going there.

In fact, it’s 7:30 and I’m just about ready for bed. 🥱

Time for silence

Ramesha and I will spend five days this week in silence.

I won’t be checking emails and will take a (blessed!) break from the news, but will still write a short blog each day.

Hopefully I’ll be able to share some inspiration or insight gleaned from each day of seclusion.

Holding on to the peace

My seclusion has ended and I’m back in the flow of life’s busyness.

But I spent a good portion of a week in silence, by myself, meditating, seeing beauty around me on my walks, enjoying every quiet moment…and I’m going to do my best to carry that peace into my daily life.

For tonight, I’m just really grateful.

#2 – Secrets of success

“Silence and seclusion are the secrets of success. In this modern life of activity there is only one way to separate yourself from its ceaseless demands: get away from it once in a while.” — Paramhansa Yogananda

#1 – The price of greatness

“Always remember that seclusion is the price of greatness. In this tremendously busy life, unless you are by yourself, you can never succeed.” — Paramhansa Yogananda

Making the effort

“Often we continue to suffer without making an effort to change; that is why we don’t find lasting peace and contentment. If we would persevere we would certainly be able to conquer all difficulties. We must make the effort, that we may go from misery to happiness, from despondency to courage.” — Paramhansa Yogananda

Going into seclusion is — for me — about making the effort to change. Not everything and not all at once, but still…one has to try.

While in seclusion I’ll mostly be taking a break from technology, except that I don’t want to break my commitment to writing in my blog every day.

So, what I’ve decided to do is prepare three daily posts ahead of time, with a quote about seclusion and being quiet. That way I can simply publish each draft from my phone. It’s a compromise.

Twilight stillness

I’m easing into a time of seclusion.

I’m not completely “secluded” yet, as I have to finish a few things tonight and during a small portion of tomorrow afternoon.

But the magic is still happening. Like during a last minute decision to go for a walk this evening.

It was almost dark, but so beautiful. And so still. I could see bats flitting through the air. I could hear silence.

I could feel peace.

The power of seclusion

Free photos of Christmas

Seclusion has worked its magic on me once again.

Even though it wasn’t a totally strict seclusion, there was enough of a shift from my normal activity flow to allow me to open up and receive the blessings.

And blessings there were! One of the biggest is that I’m actually looking forward to tomorrow’s eight-hour Christmas meditation — for the first time in a while.