Memories of LA days

We just finished a lovely Next Wave satsang with Jyotish and Devi.

The main topic of discussion was sharing how we’ve all weathered the challenges of these past two difficult years. The stories and insights were all very inspiring.

At some point Devi brought up the time a team of us spent in LA with Swamiji, and how he gave so much energy to the music there.

It reminded me of what a special time that was, despite a myriad of challenges and difficulties. And doesn’t that pretty much describe life itself?!?

Anyways, thinking about LA days made me want to share this photo. I have no idea what Ramesha was whispering in my ear, but I’m thankful somebody snapped the photo with Swamiji’s blessings in the background!

Santa Barbara Day 3: Eateries

The theme of the day was restaurants. We ate in at the Natural Cafe (above) on lower State Street for lunch.

In the evening we headed to Mizza (also on State Street) and picked up some delicious pizza to eat while watching a satsang with Jyotish and Devi back at the Village.

It was while picking up the pizza that we discovered La Arcada, a unique outdoor patio/plaza tucked away in the historic center of Santa Barbara. We plan to return tomorrow in order to explore it thoroughly.

Doing thyme while sharing satsang

Today we had a community work day — one of my favorite Ananda events!

Even though I woke up extremely tired, and ended up missing the opening prayer and a good part of the morning, I knew I would regret it if I didn’t go for at least a portion of the day.

As usual, offering myself in service and sharing satsang with my spiritual family raised both my spirits and my energy.

I was helping at the Ananda Farm, where we stripped the tiny leaves off a grocery bag’s worth of dried thyme.

So, we really were “doing thyme” while sharing satsang.

Music satsang with Rachel

What a full day it’s been!

The high point was sharing a lovely satsang with Rachel, our music/dance/theater/podcast devotee/friend from New York City.

We shared our pandemic experiences; caught up on what’s going on with the NYC meditation group; and explored multifaceted perspectives on music and the arts and how they impact our spiritual growth. Oh, and we sang, of course!

Ever-new joy getting ever-better acquainted with members of our growing Ananda Music family!

A successful day in the studio

Christian and Neha in the booth while Ramesha lays down a violin track.

Guitar track. ✔
Melody vocals. ✔
Background vocals. ✔
Keyboard strings. ✔
Violin. ✔

Laughter. ✔
Satsang. ✔
Creativity. ✔
Fun. ✔
Joy. ✔

Yep, most definitely a successful day in the studio! 🎤

International Village choir

NOW we’re officially back. Tonight was our first full choir rehearsal, and what a great rehearsal it was! Part of the wonderfulness is due to an influx of great souls in young (or at least young-ish) bodies who are adding a lot of fresh energy into the mix.

Since we had to leave town soon after these newbies started coming, we decided to join them for tea in the Expanding Light dining room after rehearsal tonight in order to get to know them all a little better.

Looking at the photos I took, it strikes me just how international of a group it is; we are truly evolving into a World Brotherhood Choir right here at Ananda Village. Hari bol!

Arya (Hong Kong), Erin, Linda, Arati (Spain), Dhyan
Lakshman (the 1st, who has recently returned to Ananda Village), Ben, Catarina (Finland), Ashtara (Israel)
Max (Russia) who is serving at Ananda Scotts Valley–so we can’t get him in choir quite yet, Arya, Erin
Catarina, Ashtara, Gaurja (India), Ramesha (Switzerland)