Finally, some photos (Palos Verdes & Ananda South Bay)

We took a short walk in the neighborhood and enjoyed this beautiful ocean view.

We had a truly lovely time staying in Palos Verdes with dear friends Padma and Arnab, and their delightful daughter, Ronjini.

The new (to us, anyway) center in Torrance is beautiful; our workshop was well-attended; and a great time was had by all!

We were greeted by a tile lion in front of the center
Ground floor entryway and stairway up to the center
An inviting seating area at the top of the stairs
A beautiful corner
Main altar at Ananda South Bay
Side altar
Post-workshop satsang in the kitchen

A joyful Rajarshi Day

We usually have Rajarshi Day — our all-community workday — in early May, around the May 5th birthday of Rajarshi Janakananda (Yogananda’s most advanced disciple). But because Springtime at Ananda has become so big, and takes so much time and energy from the whole community, Rajarshi Day got shifted to June.

Although we had a beautiful, mild summer day for it, it was still quite a day for me.

My morning was spent outside of the Temple of Light, where I removed wire cages from around young trees (so that another team member could weed whack around the base of each tree); raked up the weeds; spread mulch; then replaced the wire cage.

My raking buddy, Brian, and I worked on approximately ten trees, all of them in the sun. I definitely expended more physical energy than I have in years — maybe decades. Fun, but exhausting.

Then, after meditation and lunch on the Market lawn with our entire spiritual family, I headed home to rest and shower before Ramesha and I got on a Zoom call with Ananda Australia. We were the guest speakers for their Sunday morning satsang.

As usual, all the tiredness went away as soon as we were connecting with the group and talking about Ananda Music.

Now, however, I’m ready to drop. 🥱

An evening of Swiss bliss

Enjoying a delightful satsang with the Ananda Ticino meditation group.

Ramesha and I are truly grateful for the blessing of spending time with family and friends here in beautiful Lugano. At the same time, having lived in spiritual community for so many years, after a few weeks we find ourselves missing satsang with fellow devotees.

Last year there just happened to be an Ananda event that we were able to go to. This time we decided to be proactive and arranged to do a music workshop for the Ananda Ticino meditation group that meets regularly in Bellinzona.

What a joy it was!

First of all, we got to talk about music, consciousness, community, spiritual growth, etc. Then we got to simply enjoy singing with everyone. That was followed by time to answer questions and have some interesting discussion. And then we all went out for super delicious pizza.

The absolute best thing, however, was getting to know this new branch of our spiritual family. Even the ones we only met last night feel like longtime, dear friends already.

(P.S. I used the word “bliss” in the title because in Sanskrit the word “Ananda” means “joy” or “bliss!” So, “Swiss bliss” is my way of having fun describing an Ananda meditation group in Switzerland. 🥰)

A day filled with satsang

A definition of satsang that I like is: “the act of gathering with like-minded, uplifting people, especially those on a spiritual path.”

So, today was most definitely a day filled with satsang — from start to finish.

First off was the monthly staff meeting of our Ananda Worldwide outreach ministries. Led by Jyotish and Devi, it’s always deeply inspiring to hear the reports from the various departments.

Next was our weekly music team meeting — always fun, but today was particularly interesting as we explored new directions for our YouTube presence.

There was time in the afternoon to actually get some of my own work done, but the evening was spent at the Ananda Meditation Retreat — sharing about Ananda Music with the current Living Discipleship group.

A satisfying day filled to the brim with one joyous satsang after another.

Sharing with Virtual Community

Today we had the great pleasure of spending time with members of the Ananda Virtual Community in their weekly “Say Yes to Life!” satsang.

We shared about what living in spiritual community has meant to us, and how important Ananda’s music is to living in community.

We also answered some great questions on a wide variety of topics.

What a joy to be able to have satsang in real time with people in California, on the East Coast, and in the UK!

An overall productive day

This morning we had a garden consultation, while sitting with our friends (landscaper and wife) on the patio enjoying coffee and treats.

I learned which plants need to go into the ground, which ones need fertilizing in the spring, how we could make our already beautiful view even better, and — yay! — I finally have the perfect location (and reason) to plant some jasmine.

This afternoon we took part in a lovely satsang at Chandi ashram house for the current crop of karma yogis.

Each person shared how they came onto the spiritual path, then we spent time chanting. It was quite the international group, as the karma yogis originally hail from Germany, Turkey, Russia, China, and India!

I came home in the early evening and — for the fourth day in a row — I practiced. It’s really quite remarkable, but I even downloaded a metronome app and used it as I did honest-to-goodness long tones.

I hardly recognize myself!

One more day

The panel for this morning’s Kriyaban Retreat class was out-of-this-world inspiring!

At lunch we connected with devotees from near and far (the Village, Long Beach, and New York City).

The afternoon was spent in satsang with dear friends, Narayan and Dharmadevi.

So, no surprise that — for me at least — tonight has been about kicking back and catching my breath in order to be ready bright and early for Sunday service prep.

A final satsang with Anandi

This being of light — our dear friend, Anandi — is now one with the light.

She left her body in the early hours of Sunday morning and though we will miss her, we are celebrating her soul flying free.

Many community members visited her home this afternoon, to spend time honoring the physical form that served her so well and also to offer her husband, Bharat, our loving support.

But as so often happens here at Ananda Village, we ended up being blessed as we gathered around, feeling Anandi’s deep peace and listening to Bharat’s stories about Anandi and their life together.

One last beautiful opportunity to enjoy satsang with our beloved friend.

Joy at the satsang

Despite the recent snow and today’s unsettled weather, Jyotish and Devi decided this morning to go ahead with their scheduled community satsang this evening.

They wanted to make it fun and festive and informal, so we volunteered to sing a couple of Christmas carols.

But because it was so last minute, our soprano couldn’t join us.

Then I forgot to put the words for “Joy to the World” in the binders that I quickly threw together.

So when the time came to sing it was rather — well, rough. Which was no big deal, as it was just “family” and rather spontaneous. But still…

Then Devi read her most recent blog post — beautiful and inspiring — and Jyotish read a story that had come to him in meditation — powerfully inspiring! Then they both added comments and insights that were deeply moving.

And then, Ramesha asked a question about how best to prepare for the upcoming 8-hour Christmas meditation, and as they both answered the inspiration went through the roof.

And I finally understood. The weather was uncertain enough that if we hadn’t volunteered to sing, we might very well have pooped out and stayed home.

In this instance, singing wasn’t the point. Rather it was the means of making sure we were exactly where we were supposed to be tonight.

Precious gems of memories

Singing before one of Swamiji’s satsangs at the first Ananda LA ashram house in 2011 or 2012. (l-r: Narayani, Lila, Miriam, Bhagavati, Peter, Ramesha)

I’ve started the searching and sorting through photos and have already found some precious gems!

I’m also having my memory jogged by certain pics, which is great fun.

Soon I’ll be ready to actually write something. 😂