Making the tough call

We’ve been grappling with the question of choir and singing and safety and masks.

It doesn’t help that issues with the post office have our singing masks in some sort of postal limbo.

Plus we had to accept that not everyone in choir has the same idea of what being “extra careful” means.

Which is all good, but it means we’ve had to pause choir for a bit while we figure things out.

Baffled and bemused

I read about the strongly surging virus and I simply can’t wrap my mind around the thinking and the attitudes that have led us to this point.

I mean, if someone really hates wearing a mask, it seems obvious to me that they would compensate for the lack of a mask by being that much more careful about physical distancing and staying away from crowds.

But the opposite seems — all too often — to be true, with people saying “I don’t have to wear a mask and I can go wherever I want and I will do whatever I want to do. So there!” I swear I can practically see the tongue sticking out at the end, it’s such a childishly immature attitude…one that insists on dictating, rather than accepting, reality.

And I just don’t get it. Hence, I am left baffled and bemused.