Wisdom from a friend

A rose for my friend, Rose 💗

I was catching up with a friend I hadn’t seen in some time, comparing notes on life and its lessons.

We got pretty philosophical, agreeing on the importance of not being overly focused on oneself. But then she shared something that I found extremely helpful.

Basically, she related how she had made the decision that: “If I’m going to think about myself, let it be something good.”

When she said that I immediately found myself reflecting on how the tendency is to spend tons of time focused on me, but almost all of it is negative self talk. It’s the worst of both worlds!

So, I’m going to adopt this as my own and practice telling myself good things about me.

Birthday gratitude

I finally was able to set aside a few hours this evening to read all my birthday greetings — on Facebook, on the Sevaka Order website, though beautiful e-cards and emails, and on Nextdoor.

What I really should do is transfer all the wonderful comments and sincere good wishes into some sort of book that I could dip into whenever I start to feel a little down or filled with doubt. There’s nothing like birthday wishes to make one feel loved!

Right now my heart feels like that rose looks (thanks to Jody Mori for the beautiful rose image)!

Thank you all!