Beauty as my reward

Lately I’ve been trying to get out and walk more, without much success.

But this evening I finally did it and was treated to these scenes of astral beauty featuring the new moon.

It definitely felt like my reward for following through on my commitment to myself.

Daffodil rewards

It’s kind of funny how even though the top priorities are rest and healing, my schedule seems more jampacked than ever.

Of course, when you look at it more closely, it’s not surprising at all.

These days I’m routinely shooting for eight, nine, sometimes even ten hours of sleep. I can only think of maybe three times in the last few months when I got less than seven. This is a radical shift in my lifestyle which makes a big difference in the number of hours available for other things.

Then there’s the time spent scheduling, driving to, and being at appointments.

I’m doing pretty well at making time to eat well and even managing to move forward with key music ministry projects.

But there’s one important activity that has completely fallen by the wayside: daily walking.

It’s not easy to get myself out the door when I’ve been gone all day at appointments, or I’m feeling particularly tired. But I know that even five or ten minutes in the fresh air will make me feel better.

So, this week I plan to make a concerted effort to take little mini-walks every day. Picking these beautiful daffodils was a little reward that got me off to a great start. 😄

Rewards & distractions

I’ve been feeling rather out of sorts lately; struggling to wrap my mind around a lot of different projects but feeling stuck. And I suddenly realized that — due to the COVID-19 crisis — I no longer have access to my longtime favorite “go to” strategy.

So many times when I couldn’t get going and get productive, I would take myself out to breakfast and work in the restaurant. I think it was the double whammy of distracting myself with a change of environment while at the same time rewarding myself for finally knuckling down and getting to work.

But I haven’t been to town, much less eaten in a restaurant, since mid-March. So I obviously need to find new ways to distract and reward myself. 🤔