Major gratitude

We accomplished a lot in this afternoon’s music retreat, but a particularly powerful moment for me was answering the following question:

“In your heart of hearts, what do you want most to accomplish in the music or the Arts before you leave the planet?”

This was my answer:

” To help establish a really deep, really strong, absolutely clear and attuned core music leadership that will protect and carry forward Swami’s musical legacy far into the future, which will assure the future of Ananda as well.”

Beyond that, I’m just so grateful… to be part of such a dynamic team; for the blessing of our music; and for the meaning and purpose it gives to my life.

Mercury is about to go retrograde

This explains so much of what’s going on for me right now.

Complications galore in getting something forwarded on from the States. Not being able to send or receive normal texts (only WhatsApp and Messenger). Feeling kind of slow and heavy and like I don’t really want to go out much.

Mercury going retrograde brings the “re” words to the fore. Basically it’s a good time to re-treat, re-flect, re-new, re-lax, rest…to simply slow down.

Of course, that’s the exact opposite of the plan when we come to Lugano!

So, my goal (as a Mercury-ruled Gemini person) has to be to find a way to balance the need for friends and family social time with allowing time for myself — to be still and to simply BE.

What a difference a week makes

Last Sunday I was on Day 6 of my weeklong retreat at Blue Sage Sanctuary, and Ramesha was sending me photos of our slightly snowbound apartment (the above photo was taken from our kitchen window).

Today everywhere we look is green and brown again, thanks to the rain which has been coming down steadily for days now. And I felt very blessed to be back in the Temple of Light for Sunday service, after missing last week.

But the thoughts, insights, and lessons of the retreat are very much with me still.

Silence and stillness and…SUN

Doing a lot of “just being” in these days.

Enjoying the stillness, the quiet, and (finally) some sun!

At some point I’ll be able to share about the process and experience of this retreat. But not yet. šŸ˜Š

šŸ’ February 10 health update

Dear friend,

I thought my November 2 health update would be the very last, but it turns out another is needed. 

First of all, there are still a number of people asking me, ā€œHow are you?ā€ with a great deal of concern in their eyes. Iā€™m very happy to report that I really am doing extremely well — Iā€™ve been off disability since the beginning of the year and back to working full-time; Iā€™m singing every week; and Iā€™m feeling energized by new visions and potential projects for the music.

On the other hand, although Iā€™m through with the major medical part of my health journey, I feel like Iā€™m still sort of ā€œpicking up the piecesā€ of my life. And while itā€™s true that Iā€™m completely back to normal, itā€™s also true that my ā€œnormalā€ relationship with my body and overall well-being hasn’t been all that healthy for much of my adult life.

In fact, this has been one of the biggest lessons of my cancer journey. As a result, Iā€™m feeling guided to dedicate time and energy to focusing on detoxing from the high dose chemo; rejuvenating from the stress of the last year; and deeply resting from the trauma of the bone marrow transplant process. 

So, in early March Iā€™m going to do a one-week Panchakarma program at an ayurvedic retreat thatā€™s located near my home in Nevada County. But because itā€™s a holistic healing modality instead of a medical procedure, Ramesha and I have to come up with $4500 to cover the cost on our own. 

When weā€™ve needed to raise funds in the past (for music-related travel expenses, for example) we would often give a concert. But since there isn’t the time or the bandwidth to pull a concert together at this time, weā€™ve decided to take two little known albums of mine and offer them on a donation basis as digital downloads.

One album is a compilation of classical flute pieces from various recitals and concerts from when I was still a working flutist, while the other is from the very first concert Ramesha and I did together in 2003, before we were even a couple. 

To learn more about the albums or to find the link to donate, click here (also, keep in mind that if youā€™re not able to donate money, youā€™re totally welcome to the music in gratitude for your continued prayers).Ā 

Finally (and I apologize if Iā€™m beginning to sound repetitive), THANK YOU — again and again and again — for all your loving support.Ā