Relaxed Sunday breakfast

We had every intention of attending Sunday service this morning.

But it was a lovely day; our patio garden is really coming together; and neither of us could remember the last time we spent such a relaxed morning together on a Sunday.

It was blissful.

Time with friends

Today we were productive in the social arena.

In the morning we had delicious chai at the home of friends with whom we had been attempting to connect for six months or so. At long last, mission accomplished! And it was a thoroughly fun and delightful visit with the two of them plus their adorable children.

Then this evening we went to town for an Italian pizza dinner with another friend. Again, delightful and fun (and delicious!).

I also accomplished various tasks that needed doing around the house. All in all an active but relaxed day.

A real vacation day

Chiesa dei SS. Fedele e Simone in Vico Morcote

It was just the two of us today, so we took a little excursion on our own to Vico Morcote and Morcote.

These villages are only about thirty minutes from Lugano, but it felt like we were a world away in a magically quiet and peaceful place.

I’ll get my photos organized to share soon. In the meantime, suffice it to say that we both were able to really and truly relax there.

Sunday sunshine

I spent a good portion of this Sunday afternoon basking in the sunshine and the quiet.

It was so peaceful that I decided to take a short video to capture the stillness of the scene.

Only one problem — I was evidently so relaxed that I forgot to switch from photo to video mode! Hopefully some of the peace and quiet will come through the photo.

Happy 4th of July!

This is what’s been going through my mind pretty much all day.

It’s been a rather quiet and relaxed day for us. Even the community celebration (parade, games, dinner) in the Village center was pretty chill.

And for once there haven’t been all that many firecrackers set off in the surrounding areas. So, yeah, it’s a been a quiet Fourth.

“Flutist, Spring Song”

‘Flutist, Spring Song”. Norman Rockwell, 1925.

I love this image — relaxed (even a little too much so, considering the left elbow leaning on the desk) and obviously just playing for his own enjoyment. This is definitely not someone working on an upcoming audition or recital program!

Leave it to the great Norman Rockwell to totally capture the mood of the moment.

The perfect amount of getaway

A beautiful day. A relaxing (and not too long) drive. Trees with autumn foliage. Strolling through Downieville. A delicious lunch while listening to 80’s music. Sitting by the river. A relaxed drive home. Just me and Ramesha.
