Deepening my connection to Swamiji – 2

Photo of Crystal Hermitage Upper Gardens by Kent Williams

I’m not sure whether I mentioned it in a previous blog post, but one of my first big spiritual lessons after arriving at Ananda Palo Alto was that no one seemed particularly interested in the fact that I was a professional flutist.

For starters, there was already a woman in the community who played flute. And at my first meeting with Asha Praver — basically a “getting-to-know-you” chat — I described some of the musical activities I had offered at my previous church homes, including benefit concerts and the like. Her response? Pretty much no response. I mean, she might have said something like, “Oh, that’s interesting,” but I received no energy from her at all regarding my flute playing.

It took me back a bit, but it was also rather refreshing not being primarily identified as a flutist.

However, within a few months a friend in the community somehow learned more about my musical background and convinced me to give her a copy of my resume, which she then shared with the music people up at Ananda Village.

What I had no way of knowing was that they had been slowly working on a recording of Swami Kriyananda’s music using mostly synthesized sounds for the various instruments. They had a live harpist (the late Donnelle Page) and professional cellist, David Eby, had come to Ananda Portland a year or two before I arrived in Palo Alto. So, now they invited me to provide live flute to the album.

And that is how it came about that in late October 1999 I was blessed to come up to Ananda Village for a long weekend at Crystal Hermitage, recording “Secrets of Love” with music arranger, David Miller, and recording engineer, Agni Ferraro.

What a blessed experience it was! Crystal Hermitage was Swamiji’s home whenever he was in residence at the Village (although this was during the time that I still hadn’t met him because he was living in Italy). I got to stay in a small apartment at Crystal Hermitage, doing my Energization Exercises in the beautiful upper gardens and meditating in the dome.

Of course I spent hours and hours in the studio, with photos of Yogananda and Swami to keep me focused on the goal of allowing their vibration to flow through my playing. Although recording is always intense, there was also plenty of joy and laughter in working with my fellow devotees.

I was transported by the melodies I was playing, especially “Love Is the Aspiration toward Perfection” (click here to listen) and felt Swamiji close to me throughout the entire process. By the end, I understood that this was the raison d’Γͺtre for all my years of training and experience as a flutist.

Thank you, God. πŸ™

Making music feels GOOD

Ramesha and I recorded two song videos today and it felt great. The living room of our temporary house made a terrific studio.

One video is for our Patreon subscribers but we’ll be sharing the other one with everybody very soon.

It’s been a challenge to go from singing a couple of times a week for months on end to not really having any performance outlet at all.

We’re planning to continue recording videos as often as we can, but it isn’t exactly the same.

Recording day 6 of 6: it’s a wrap!

Whoohoo — they did it!

Ramesha and Christian were in the studio every day from last Friday to today (Wednesday). They couldn’t record Saturday or Sunday morning, due to the Sevaka retreat and Sunday service, but they still ended up with five entire days worth of recording time.

Others joined them at various times to record tablas (Lewis), keyboard and harp (Prashad); and background vocals (Satyana, Prashad, and yours truly).

And today I dug deep in order to do the one intro Ramesha requested on flute. I wouldn’t let him take a video of me playing because I was using such a compromised position in order not to engage my wonky shoulder! And I’m soooo out of shape it was downright embarrassing. But I somehow managed to get it done.

Ramesha poured a ton of energy into this — working out a detailed schedule; planning arrangements; coordinating times; doing his own musical “due diligence” (of course). And it shows in the end result.

It’s going to be a wonderful album.

Random thoughts on a full day

Lovely walk.

Productive music meeting.

Music team lunch with David Eby.

Brainstorming and discussion around rhythm, timing, movement, and body percussion.

Walking down memory lane with old videos of the Santa Clara Vanguard.

Thoughts about how thrilling it is to experience precision, mastery, oneness, and being in the “zone.”

Meanwhile, Ramesha was in the studio for the first day of recording his new album. So, now it’s time to go home and see how he’s doing.

Needed: a good night’s sleep!


Because Ramesha and I are recording tomorrow! Just one song, which will be released in time for the holidays, but still…it won’t do to start out already tired.

Wish us luck! 🎼

All in the family

I’m finally taking advantage of the fact that I live with a singing teacher!

We’re getting ready to do some recording soon and I realized that I really (and I do mean, really!) needed to get my voice in better shape.

So for the past four or five days in a row (!), Ramesha has been guiding me through warm-ups, scales, and long tones. And — yes! — my voice is improving (imagine that! practice makes it better)! πŸ˜‚

All kidding aside, he truly is an excellent teacher.

Way to go, Ramesha!

Ramesha and Christian are busy working on Ramesha’s next CD. In fact, they’re just finishing their third full day in the studio and today I got to be part of the project, too (recording flute, background vocal, and clapping tracks). It was great to see and hear all the good work they’re accomplishing; I’m particularly proud of the way Ramesha is going gang-busters with this exciting new business of his!

In order to get three or four uninterrupted days they had to move back into the “original” recording studio underneath Crystal Hermitage. It felt a like homecoming for me, bringing back memories of the long weekend I spent recording Secrets of Love in October of 1999. Amazing to realize, but that was before I had even met Swami Kriyananda!

I love this photo of Ramesha from today. His joy and enthusiasm are palpable! It’s going to be a great CD. πŸ™‚

Such bright eyes and happy smile!
Studio with a view…plus Christian in the sound booth.