Rainy day, healing day

In all my life as a native Californian, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced actual, real rain over Labor Day weekend.

But it’s been perfect for staying in and laying low. Holding ice on my face and taking naps. Reading and answering a few emails.

I slept nine hours last night, but I’m still looking forward to going to bed early.

A healing day, supported by rainy weather.

Hooray for rain

It’s a bit of an adjustment, but I’m feeling extremely grateful for this cold, gloomy, rainy day.


For one thing, I appreciate moisture for it’s own sake.

I’m also hopeful that today, tomorrow, and the rain that’s forecast for next week will signal the end of fire season for this year. Wouldn’t that be great?!?

Rainy day

It was threatening rain, but we went for our short (and very slow) walk anyway.

Then I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on the porch watching and listening to the rain come down.

Of course, I’m always carefully masked even when out-of-doors, since I have no immune system to speak of right now.