Overdue health update

When I first started on this healing journey, we had no idea what to expect. But now that I’m a couple of months into it, I’m very happy to report the following:

  • My energy is holding steady. In fact, I’ve actually been able to maintain close to my usual schedule. Well, except for allowing extra time to rest and making sleep a priority. And except for driving to town at least twice a week for medical appointments.
  • We’ve been able to maintain the momentum of the music ministry. This Friday we’re doing a full LIVE performance of Swami Kriyananda’s Oratorio: Christ Lives! for the first time since 2019, and for the first time ever in the Temple of Light, and I’m well enough to fully participate!
  • Thanks to radiation, I’m regaining full movement of my right shoulder.
  • I’ve received so many prayers, voicemails, text messages, emails, cards, gifts, articles, suggestions, you name it — all of them filled with love and many of them very helpful — that it’s actually been somewhat overwhelming and I haven’t been able to respond as I would wish. I’m sure everyone understands, but I just want to say that, once the Oratorio is over and things slow down again, I look forward to slowly being in touch with all my well-wishers around the world!

What else can I say? Yes, I have cancer, but I am also well and strong and happy and very, very blessed.

An unexpected treat

The radiation department computers weren’t talking to the radiation machine today, so they weren’t able to do any treatments.

Unfortunately, I was in a meeting and missed the call that my session was cancelled.

Since there was a slim chance that they would get it fixed in time to fit me in, and since I was in town anyway, I decided I might as well hang out for a while.

I got some lunch at a cafe and sat outside to eat while reading my book. Then I browsed the used bookstore next door.

I never did have my radiation appointment, which means my last session will be Monday instead of Friday, but it was an unexpectedly pleasant and relaxed afternoon.

It’s working!

Today — after one full week of radiation — I was able to easily raise my arm above the shoulder for the first time in at least three or four years.

I never did have frozen shoulder; it was the presence of a tumor that was impeding my range of motion!

But who would have thought it?!?

Right now I’m appreciating radiation as a medical miracle.

Made it…!

Yep, we (Ramesha and I) successfully negotiated the first week of daily radiation.

I know subtle but powerful changes are happening in my body as a result of the radiation, but I believe the daily drive into town is also responsible for a large percentage of the increased tiredness I feel.

One more week after this and the radiation phase of my treatment will be finished. Yay!

In the meantime, I’m really ready for this weekend!

The day that got away

Where did this day go, I wonder?!?


Music meeting; emails; radiation appointment; lunch; a couple of errands; water the garden; sit on the patio; do the dishes; eat dinner; watch a show; wash more dishes; evening affirmations and gratitude time; a few more emails…

Ah, that’s where the day went!