Down a new rabbit hole

Well, I couldn’t help but dig a little deeper into the phenomenon that is the PS22 Chorus and (of course) the more I read and listened, the more intrigued I became, and the deeper I went into the rabbit hole.

One amazing thing I learned is that the teacher, Gregg Breinberg, founded the PS22 chorus way back in 2000! How did it take me so long to find them?!?

Here are a few words from an interview that blogger, Beth Hopkins, did with Mr. B (as his students call him) that I believe captures the essence of what makes this chorus so special:

“Not only are their voices beautiful; they are a delight to watch. Every single member of the Chorus dances and smiles, clapping their hands; their enthusiasm is reckless and palpable.
As someone passionate about creative expression, whether mine or that of others, PS-22 Chorus inspires me. They are artists. They are completely engaged in their performances. And their cooperative spirit and unabashed joy is something we could all use.” — Beth Hopkins

I think many adult singers could learn a lot about making music from these young people.

I could go on and on, but instead I’ll just share the links to a few of the articles and a podcast about the chorus and Mr. B. There’s been a ton written about them over the past twenty-four years — especially when they were invited to sing for the Academy Awards ceremony in 2011 (one of the links below is a video of their live performance)!

I hope you enjoy discovering them as much as I have.

Take Five: an interview with Gregg Breinberg

A Bit of Relief: The Long Distance Chorus (podcast)

Behind the music: How a teacher led his chorus to internet fame

PS22 Chorus: What’s the secret to their success?

2011 Oscars: Live Performance By PS22 Chorus

Also celebrating 50 years

I’ve happened upon the PS22 Chorus a few times before, but today I saw a couple of videos that really touched my heart.

The first was their end-of-year send-off/graduation song to Taylor Swift’s, “Long Live.” Seeing these young people so connected — to the music, to one another — and feeling it all so deeply…well, it just moves me to tears.

Then I stumbled on the video where their teacher surprises his parents with their special song on their 50th anniversary. So sweet!

But one comment on the video really stood out for me:

“This video is proof positive that songs are timeless, ageless, and can make you smile and cry at the same time! PS22–thank you for joyously opening this musical time capsule from 1974 and creating a happily ever after moment for this beautiful couple! Happy Anniversary!”

What stopped me in my tracks was… “musical time capsule from 1974!” Hahaha! I was assuming his parents were “old,” only to realize that they got married the year I graduated high school.

I guess I’ll never get used to “being my age!” 🤩