Time marches on

There are so many things I’ve been meaning to write about — topics, experiences, events, memories — but I can never seem to get to them.

It’s sort of like I’m walking along and see something interesting along the way. But I’m already carrying quite a few things, so I place it by the side of the path with the intention to come right back and pick it up again. But it turns out that the path is really a moving walkway like in the airport, and I can never get turned around to go back to that interesting thing.

(Hmmm, sort of has the makings of an anxiety dream!)

At any rate, it’s not the perfect analogy. The feeling I’m trying to convey is the sense of time marching on…and on…and on… And somehow I can never go back and complete all the little projects that I intended or promised or started to do.

It’s rather sobering when I think about it.


Free Time Too Late photo and picture

I’ve been caught up in too many different projects and the day got away from me.

Now it’s too late to write a real blog post; until tomorrow then…

Picking up the pace

Free photos of Drops

Yep, I’m going back to regular office hours starting next week and I can already feel the increase in energy and focus.

The music ministry has been in a bit of a holding pattern for a while now — completely understandable, of course! But we’re eager to rebuild the momentum and get back to tackling important projects.

Not much oomph left

This was a very productive day, with the accomplishment of several fun but fairly big projects.

Plus a trip to Trader Joe’s and an evening walk.

So not much oomph left to put into tonight’s blog post.

A photo of this sweet kitty will have to do.

Slug day

Things are definitely speeding up.

More people to see; more projects to organize; more tasks to accomplish.

What a week!

So, tonight is about kicking back and taking it easy.

And tomorrow is going to be a designated “slug day” (that’s what I’m calling the days where I just do nothing and rest)!

Feeling inundated

Lately it seems like projects and deadlines have been coming at me in tsunami-like waves. As soon as I complete one, the next is already on the horizon!


A working fast

For the past month I’ve been fasting once a week. It’s been a little challenging getting into a new regime, but it also feels good.

I usually take it pretty easy, but today — the last of this month’s weekly fast days — I ended up with a bunch of time sensitive projects that had to be addressed subito.

While it’s definitely true that the brain isn’t as sharp when operating without sustenance, I did what I had to do and got it done, regardless.

Now I’m ready to pack it in and (hopefully) go to bed at least a little bit early.

Up, down, and all around

…just like a seesaw! *

Yeah, well it’s been that kind of week…the kind where I’m not even sure just exactly what happened, but whatever it was has left me slightly reeling.

So today I felt somewhat of a general malaise, made worse by the awareness that — with Swami’s discipleship and the centennial of Yogananda’s arrival in America over — it’s time to tackle numerous big (and challenging) projects that have been waiting for their turn in the spotlight.

However, it seems clear that we needed a lowkey sort of break today. Hopefully I’ll be rarin’ to go tomorrow!

* Now there’s a song I haven’t thought of in years and years; remember it? “Goin’ up an’ down, all around, [your love is] like a see saw!”

Two for one

Lately I’ve been feeling there’s a similarity between our Ananda Music ministry and the Hydra of Greek mythology.

[Full disclosure: I had a vague recollection about this but had to look it up to be sure.]

Anyways… according to the Mythical Creatures Guide, Hydra has many heads (as many as nine) and was slain during the second labor of Hercules. But this is the part I was remembering:

“If the heads are cut off, the heads would grow back. One head cut-off would result to two heads growing back in its place.”

I sometimes feel our projects are like the Hydra heads: as soon as we get a handle on one, two more appear to take its place! Thankfully, the similarity ends there, because we love what we do. Plus our projects don’t bite.