A bit of a backslide

Encountering the same old pattern of making progress on establishing positive new routines/behaviors only to sabotage that progress with a get-to-bed-super-late night.


Progress and butterflies

We just finished our weekend of recording and I’m pleased to report that we’ve made a really good start on our Christmas album!

People have been asking us to do this for years, decades even. So, even though there’s still a lots and lots to do, it feels really good to finally be transforming the “idea” into “reality.”

PLUS…! Today was my first butterfly sighting of the year; two lovelies joyfully dancing around one another. Made my day.

I think Spring has most definitely “sprung!”

Time to shine

Print available at Spirit Daughter

When I saw this on Facebook, it stopped me in my tracks. The imagery so perfectly reflects my process of the past couple of years.

In 2022 I was largely turned in on myself as I moved through my cancer journey. 

At the beginning of 2023, I was done with treatments, off disability, and back to work. So, I rather naively assumed all was back to normal. It wasn’t until about half or even two-thirds of the way through 2023 that I finally “got it” that, although progress was being made, I still had a way to go before being fully healed and integrated on all levels once again.

Now, as 2024 gets underway, there’s been a definite inner shift, which I’m experiencing as interesting new thoughts, choices, and behaviors (I’ll share more about this in future blog posts). 

In fact, the above image (which can be purchased as a print) has inspired me to do something I haven’t done in over thirty years — create a little rhyme to affirm my vision for this beautiful new year. Here goes…

In two zero two four, I’ll shine once more! 🌟

Making progress with the puzzle pieces

A big piece of the puzzle fell into place today, namely….laundry!

I really wasn’t looking forward to tackling five loads worth of dirty clothes; in fact, I only completed four out of the five. But it still felt like a major accomplishment.

I also was finally able to get the latest booster (the bivalent vaccine), which feels really good.

And, finally, progress is being made on music preparations for Spiritual Renewal Week. All in all, a good day.

Down to the wire

Affirming that I will cross the finish line!

We had a beautiful Easter morning (oh, right — Happy Easter, everyone! 🌷) and a delicious Easter lunch with friends afterwards.

But the main focus of the day has been packing, packing, and more packing!

Making progress but still have a ways to go before I can hit the sack.

We leave first thing tomorrow morning, so it’s definitely down-to-the-wire time!

Progress is being made

Free Presentation Statistic vector and picture

It took some doing, but I finally located the stash of photos that will accompany my Swami stories. YAY!

I’m also making progress in terms of developing my voice: Ramesha and I have found a mutually agreeable time for him to work with me on a regular basis. Double YAY!!

And…our music team is getting back in the flow of meeting and planning. Triple YAY!!!

Bit by bit

There’s still an awful lot to do before we depart on Wednesday, but I feel good about the progress I made last night and today.

Most of our indoor plants have been relocated. I have a plan for the outdoor plants. Three out of four loads of laundry are done. The house is clean. I have a home exercise program created by my friend, Satyana, so I can focus on gently rebuilding strength throughout the recovery process.

And I’ve got a growing list of items I don’t want to forget when I do my real packing tomorrow!

When less is more

I’m feeling pretty good about how little I accomplished today.

True, I did four loads laundry first thing this morning (it was getting kind of urgent!), but otherwise I mostly kicked back and enjoyed being at home.

I had to chuckle at one point when I realized I was feeling kind of proud of doing so little.

I’m making progress.

Note to self: well done!

Yep, my second 28-day challenge comes to a close tomorrow. I was feeling a little down about it, because I wasn’t as consistent with my walking as during the last challenge.

But then I had to give myself a mental shake and a reality check. I mean, for another 28 days I didn’t eat any sugar or starchy carbs. Period. And with no struggle. Which means it really is on the way to becoming automatic.

Now that’s progress!

I also upped the ante this time around, by committing inwardly to meet my personal meditation goal every day of the challenge. Which I did.

And that’s huge.

So, yeah. I decided that I actually feel pretty darn good. Yay, me!

It’s all directional

Update time…

  • I’ve managed two nights in a row of getting to bed earlier (not “early” yet, but making progress).
  • Seeing a definite increase in length and depth of meditations. Yay!
  • My walks are getting longer (not “long” yet, but — again — making progress).
  • Have cut back on some less-than-healthy treats.

Nothing dramatic, but substantial enough to make a difference in my overall energy, which helps with keeping it going.