More new year’s wishes

There’s something about New Year’s Eve being on a Friday, and New Year’s Day on Saturday, that makes the whole weekend all about new year energy.

At least, I think that must be why I haven’t been able to settle to much of anything in these days. I’m hoping I’ll feel a shift into productivity tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s another meaningful quote for the new year.

Productivity day 3

Wisteria blooming in front of our apartment.

I can hardly believe it myself, but today the productivity show moved outdoors…

…I took a morning walk (too many things get in the way later in the day); then — after a morning of computer tasks — cleared an accumulation of junky stuff from our patio; carried it all to the dumpster; swept the patio; and pulled a bunch of weeds.

My reward? Sitting in the warm sun while listening to crickets, birds, and breeze. Then gazing up into the wisteria and letting the bees take over productivity for a while. 😉

The productivity continues…!

There is definitely something astrological happening and we are benefiting greatly.

Today was about giving our home some energy…

…Ramesha put together my “work-from-home” desk (yay!); we rearranged furniture to make room for the desk; I camouflaged the back of the bookcase that’s been waiting to be moved into its permanent spot; vacuumed the whole apartment; and started the process of reorganizing the items that will go on the new shelves.

And that was after this morning’s sing-along; a few hours of computer work; and fitting in a video chat with a friend.

Now I’m completely done for the day and ready to treat myself to popcorn for dinner. 😉

Too many ideas

More and more ideas seem to want to crowd into my brain every day. And a lot of them seem like good ideas, too.

Ideas for…
…informal music Q&A satsangs
…”sing-along with Swami” sessions
…creating music playlists
…online courses
…increased engagement with our “fans”
…music leader training
…more regular newsletters
…lyric videos
…how to rehearse choir using Zoom
…virtual World Brotherhood Choir videos
…training small groups online
…etc, etc, etc!

Unfortunately, there seems to be an inverse relationship between the number of ideas and my ability to focus or be productive. I know it’s partly my response to the unsettled energy and uncertainties of this time, but still…it’s really rather frustrating.