Moving into week two

We arrived a week ago yesterday, so this was day two of our second week in Lugano. And, my goodness, but two weeks is way too short of a visit!

However, it’s all we can do at this time of year, so we’re trying not to feel pressured about it.

Very interesting

I find it very interesting that the day after I decided to pause the nourishing cleanse, the following happened:

I meditated much longer than usual.
I did dry skin brushing before my shower.
I ended my shower with hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold several times at the end).

It seems that — having stopped putting pressure on myself — a part of me now feels free to go ahead and do these nurturing activities.

Go figure!

Making it up as we go along

It was (and still is) a great idea. Everyone thought so.

And the obviously perfect date for it was…well, yeah, maybe a little soon.

But no matter! Let’s go for it…except it’s maybe just a little bit bigger than we counted on?


That’s okay. There’s nothing like a bit of pressure to raise one’s energy and level of creativity, right?

Right?!? 😂

Kind of like (really) old times

Because I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, I struggled more than usual to prepare for our department’s annual presentation. It got so bad that I actually reverted to behavior from my college days of several decades ago.

In other words, I waited until the very last minute, then — once the pressure had built to unbearable levels — I frantically pulled out all the stops, accomplishing in about 24 hours that which would have been better (and certainly more calmly) done in three to five days.

The only element lacking was a trip to the university library to check out a huge stack of books!

Time to knuckle down….

.and get it done!

(Also known as gearing up for our next virtual choir extravaganza.)

The countdown to the Christmas concert is well underway and the pressure is on!🎅