A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Tonight we watched “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” — the 2018 documentary about Fred Rogers.

This is the third or fourth time I’ve seen it (starting with twice in the theater back when it first came out), but I had forgotten just how powerfully moving it is. It’s so full of beautiful, loving messages that I feel I should watch it at least once a month!

Most of all, I can feel my inner child being comforted and healed with virtually everything he says. For example, this phrase that concluded every episode:

“You’ve made this day a special day, by just your being you. There’s no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are.”

Two more days

Swami Kriyananda and beautiful Kriya ceremony roses.

Spiritual Renewal Week is drawing to a close. One more class; a pre-recorded storytelling event with Murali; Sunday service; and we’re done!

So far I have to say that everything has been way more powerful that I expected! The classes, the music, even today’s Kriya ceremony. And what a joy to know that I’m sharing it all with my spiritual family all around the globe.